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6th. International Seminar on Heterodox Microeconomics

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Call for Papers

The community of teachers and researchers from national and international universities is invited to participate.  Interested applicants, researchers, professors and postgraduate students can propose individual papers or posters related to heterodox microeconomics point of view and the theme: Evolutionary Theory, Institutions and Complexity Economics.

The context

The central feature of the current era of the global economy is the competition between global oligopolies, which carry out strategies of growth through the control of different markets to expand worldwide. Among these policies, innovation stands out, as well as the development of global value chains and production networks in the context of complex and uncertainty environment.

The in-depth analysis of the fundamentals of these processes in the light of economics and microeconomic theory is fundamental to advance both in the understanding of current dynamics and in the theoretical development of approaches that try to explain the national and global economic reality. For this reason, the general theme of reflection in this seminar has to do with the Evolutionary Theory, Institutions and Complexity Economics.

The plurality in microeconomic analysis transcends the orthodox partial view of the world and its functioning. This offers alternatives for students, teachers and researchers in economics to choose between different ways of understanding and theorizing the economic processes. At the same time, the plurality of content allows students to develop their skills to understand and explain the dynamics of microeconomic processes that actually occur. In this Seventh International Seminar on Heterodox Microeconomics, we would like to debate the neoclassical view of enterprise, innovation and equilibria.

In the different faculties and schools of economics of the universities of Mexico and of the world the academics and researchers have committed to the reflection of their way of teaching and study of the microeconomics. For this reason, this will be an open space to those who would like to share their experiences in teaching heterodox microeconomics.

  1. Seminar themes
  2. The VI International Seminar on Heterodox Microeconomics is addressed to all areas, both theoretical and applied, covering heterodox approaches to microeconomics. This year, we particularly wish to promote the analysis of: Evolutionary Theory, Institutions and Complexity Economics in the Heterodox Tradition as well as the following particular topics:

    Microeconomics, Competition and Innovation

    • Heterodox Microeconomics
    • Managerial and corporative innovation policies
    • The heterodox microeconomics in the economics syllabus programs
    • Teaching of heterodox microeconomics
    • Evolution of the large Mexican companies
    • Pricing strategies under oligopolistic competition and innovation
    • Firms and the Mexican export model in the context of global value chains
    • Microeconomic policies for the development of enterprises
    • Forms of local and global competition, construction of global production networks
    • Innovation and competitiveness.

    Private Enterprise, Microeconomics and Innovation

    • Enterprise, innovation and microeconomics (cases)
    • Microeconomics, oligopoly and innovation
    • Analysis of the company, the markets and the industry

    Complexity and institutions

    • Complexity Economics and Uncertainty
    • Relationship between Complexity and Institutions
    • Evolution Theory and Institutionalism.
  3. Abstract

    The participant must prepare a summary with the following characteristics:

    • A short title (no more than 10 words)
    • Text of no more than 500 words
    • The name of the speaker or panel organizer, along with your information.
    • Each paper will be evaluated by an academic committee

    Deadline for submission of papers: October 4th, 2019.

    Notification of acceptance will be made by an official letter that will be sent to the speakers 48 hours after receiving their abstract, so it’s suggested that proposals be sent as soon as possible.

  4. Finished document

    The participant must prepare the final document (essay, article, research completed or in process of elaboration) with the following characteristics:

    1.  A maximum of 25 pages, double-spaced
    2. A summary in English and Spanish of one-page maximum

    Deadline for submitting the completed document: Novembre 28th, 2019.

    The editorial committee will select the best essays for the edition of a book corresponding to the seminar and in a special issue of the Economic Science e- journal.

    The academic committee reserves the right to choose the topics and essays suitable for the seminar.


Send registration and documents to:

The Faculty of Economics will support the event in space and logistics.

Seminar dynamics

The sessions will be In-person and by video conference.

The presentation of each participant will have a maximum of 20 minutes and a replica of 10 to 20 minutes by one or two commentators, in order to allow the speaker to benefit from comments from specialists in the subject.

The organizing committee will designate the commentators, who will read and write their remarks to the essay, which will be forwarded to the author for consideration and discussion during the seminar.

You can also participate through posters that will be presented in the hall of the rooms.